How to learn programming

Learning programming can be a fascinating adventure! This advice will help you to avoid any mistakes that would cost you wasted time and effort.

First things first: to avoid wasting time be sure to verify what's your current level of knowledge. You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have I read something about it?
  • Did I try to practice it?
  • Did I make some research and have prepared some required hardware or do I even know what do I need to prepare?
If the answers to most of those questions is 'No' then you need to start from the beginning, so please continue with the step 1 below.

Get basic knowledge in programming

Programming is a valuable skill that can open doors to numerous career opportunities and creative possibilities. If you're looking to dive into the world of coding, YouTube's vast library of free courses can be an excellent starting point. However, navigating this sea of content can be overwhelming. To help you on your programming journey, we've put together this step-by-step guide on how to get basic knowledge in programming using YouTube's free courses.

Choose the Right Language: Start by deciding which programming language you want to learn. Common beginner-friendly languages include Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. Research which language aligns with your goals.

Quality Content: Look for reputable YouTube channels or instructors with a track record of providing high-quality content. Check for positive reviews and comments from viewers.

Structured Courses: Seek out courses or playlists that offer a structured learning path. These are often designed to take you from the basics to more advanced topics in a logical order.

Beginner-Friendly Courses: Ensure that the content is aimed at beginners. You should be able to follow along without prior programming knowledge.

Practice, Don't Just Watch: Programming is a hands-on skill. Don't just watch videos; follow along with code examples and work on your projects. Apply what you learn immediately.

Supplementary Resources: Use other resources alongside YouTube, like documentation, forums, and interactive coding platforms. These can help you understand concepts better.

Take Notes: Keep a notebook or digital notes to jot down key concepts, code snippets, and important takeaways. This will serve as a reference when you're working on your own projects.

Problem Solving: Programming is all about problem-solving. Try to solve small coding challenges and exercises to reinforce your knowledge.

Join the Community: Engage with the programming community. Participate in online forums, social media groups, and Q&A platforms. This can be a great way to get help and learn from others.

Be Patient and Persistent: Learning to code can be challenging. Don't get discouraged by initial setbacks. Keep at it, and you'll improve over time.

Update Your Skills: Programming languages and tools evolve. Make sure the content you're following is up-to-date with the latest best practices and changes in the language.

Seek Feedback: Share your code with others and seek feedback. Constructive criticism can help you improve faster.

Projects: Start small projects to apply your skills. Building something practical, even if it's basic, is a great way to solidify your knowledge.

Stay Consistent: Set a regular schedule for learning and stick to it. Consistency is key when it comes to skill development.

Adapt and Experiment: As you progress, explore different areas of programming (web development, data science, game development, etc.). This will help you find what interests you the most.

Remember that learning to program is a journey that takes time and effort. YouTube courses can be a valuable resource, but they work best when combined with other forms of learning and practice. Good luck on your programming journey!

The problem is that when you are new to the subject it's hard to decide which free youtube course is of good quality. If you feel uneasy in taking a chance you can go to the step two immediately, but be sure to do it wisely.

Become a proffesional in programming

If you are already after the first step or want to get better results quicker you can consider taking a proffesional online course. Be sure thou, to adjust the course level to your level of knowledge.